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Art’s Task is to Save The Soul of Mankind

March 21, 2010

In another one of Terrence McKenna’s pieces, he says that “by putting the art pedal, to the metal, we really maximize our humanness and become much more necessary and incomprehensible to the machines.” And I believe that our Art community will help put that art pedal to the metal.

Why Fan Sponsored?

March 21, 2010

Calvin Hensley here, and I want to touch on the genesis of Adeyoh today.

Many of us passionately support some web content and are highly connected with the others on the web who share this same passion. But we often find these content producers having a hard time making a living, resorting to donations or posting ads that most of us don’t really care to see plastered all around our web experience.

So, I thought ‘what if the fans could take the place of these advertisers and have an opportunity to make their money back, plus some?’ And so the fan micro sponsorship with an affiliate distribution model was born. But it had to be more; there needed to be a reason beyond the prospect of getting paid for us to sponsor our favorite web content; these fan sponsorships needed to produce a real event, so the Adeyoh Expo was born. An event where the most sponsored content each month, from each interest community, wins that content producer a spot in the limelight at an event surrounding the winners from the Musician, Artist, Comedian, and Activists’ communities. Cool, right?

I’d love to hear your thoughts, and see your content floating around Adeyoh!

Understanding Adeyoh

March 19, 2010

We’ve put together a slideshow to give the world a better understanding of what Adeyoh is all about…

View this document on Scribd

Adeyoh Expo

March 7, 2010

Once a year, beginning on March 13th 2011, all the activity on Adeyoh culminates at our main event called the Adeyoh Expo. There we’ll invite the winners of the top monthly spots, as voted on by the people, from within each community to perform, discuss, or display their work. The event will surround the winners from the musicians, artists, comedians, and activists’ communities, and is sure to change the world.

It all begins on March 13th, at 7pm

Adeyoh Launch Party in Asheville

March 3, 2010

We’ll be having a launch party in Asheville, NC at The Fiddlin Pig on Tunnel Rd, 5:30PM on the 13th of March.  We’ll have some good Bar-B-Q, a little live music, and watch the launch on the big screen…

If your an online media producer in any way, and if you’re tired of your web content spreading all over the web and not seeing any corresponding financial results, we hope you come along so we can show you exactly how our publishing model will really transform the way your web content spreads.


We hope to see you all there!

Viral Videos

February 24, 2010

Videos like this one

which have hundreds of millions of views, should create real wealth for their creators, and for the fans who share it. So that is exactly the kind of publishing we have in mind.

The Music Industry

February 23, 2010

The web is crawling with great musicians who haven’t been discovered yet, or who have content that a record label wouldn’t dare touch, but are generating massive followings on YoutTube and the social networks. A great example is this young man named Matt Rach:

It’s our intent to make a record deal financially irrelevant to a musician with these kinds of results.

A New Journalism

February 23, 2010

Currently, a journalists work may be known by millions of people and shared millions of times throughout the web, but despite either of these, that journalist may be broke and struggling to stay afloat because their content may not attract corporate sponsorships, or a subscriber base. We propose a kind of web distributed journalism that  enriches the lives of the journalists who create content valuable to the people, regardless of whether they have a subscription model or advertisers displayed next to their work.

It’s not quite Radiohead journalism. That’s too dependent upon consumer benevolence. We’ve created a model where everyone involved in the online distribution of content they believe in or think the world should hear about, journalistic or otherwise, finds themselves financially rewarded for doing what they’re already doing, which is getting the link to that content moving through its interest group.

Every publication and journalist understands that today, the average person connected to the social networks can be considered a high-impact web publisher whose chit-chat is to be valued. We step in here to monetize the chit-chat not only for the owner of the content being shared, but for those sharing as well. In just a few weeks you’ll learn exactly how we do all of this when we open our platform for the world to enjoy.

Marketers, Pay Attention

February 23, 2010

You’re a marketer, and so, you know that in order to be a successful marketer online, for the most part, you have to know how to win trust, how to perform the basics of attraction marketing, how to position yourselves as leaders by providing content of value to the world, etc… My inbox on every network is flooded daily with incredibly inspiring and informative content that we share with one another and spread throughout the web, and as a marketer we have the intent typically to come in on the other side with a sales strategy, or a business opportunity. But it has always been my wish to be able to enjoy the basics of what the masses come to the web for, which is to connect with friends, talk about and share the web content they love, and find entertainment — without a sales process or ad space — to find nice shot at making money on top of a great experience. That wish of mine is on the road to reality, because we’ll be launching in a few weeks. I hope to see you all there.

Adeyoh’s Development

February 23, 2010

We’re creating a new web publishing platform to essentially eliminate the web’s current dependency on corporate sponsorships. We’ll be providing critical, new ways of interactivity between the web media producer and consumer. We have something truly incredible in store for everyone.