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A New Journalism

February 23, 2010

Currently, a journalists work may be known by millions of people and shared millions of times throughout the web, but despite either of these, that journalist may be broke and struggling to stay afloat because their content may not attract corporate sponsorships, or a subscriber base. We propose a kind of web distributed journalism that  enriches the lives of the journalists who create content valuable to the people, regardless of whether they have a subscription model or advertisers displayed next to their work.

It’s not quite Radiohead journalism. That’s too dependent upon consumer benevolence. We’ve created a model where everyone involved in the online distribution of content they believe in or think the world should hear about, journalistic or otherwise, finds themselves financially rewarded for doing what they’re already doing, which is getting the link to that content moving through its interest group.

Every publication and journalist understands that today, the average person connected to the social networks can be considered a high-impact web publisher whose chit-chat is to be valued. We step in here to monetize the chit-chat not only for the owner of the content being shared, but for those sharing as well. In just a few weeks you’ll learn exactly how we do all of this when we open our platform for the world to enjoy.

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