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Marketers, Pay Attention

February 23, 2010

You’re a marketer, and so, you know that in order to be a successful marketer online, for the most part, you have to know how to win trust, how to perform the basics of attraction marketing, how to position yourselves as leaders by providing content of value to the world, etc… My inbox on every network is flooded daily with incredibly inspiring and informative content that we share with one another and spread throughout the web, and as a marketer we have the intent typically to come in on the other side with a sales strategy, or a business opportunity. But it has always been my wish to be able to enjoy the basics of what the masses come to the web for, which is to connect with friends, talk about and share the web content they love, and find entertainment — without a sales process or ad space — to find nice shot at making money on top of a great experience. That wish of mine is on the road to reality, because we’ll be launching in a few weeks. I hope to see you all there.

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