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Why Fan Sponsored?

March 21, 2010

Calvin Hensley here, and I want to touch on the genesis of Adeyoh today.

Many of us passionately support some web content and are highly connected with the others on the web who share this same passion. But we often find these content producers having a hard time making a living, resorting to donations or posting ads that most of us don’t really care to see plastered all around our web experience.

So, I thought ‘what if the fans could take the place of these advertisers and have an opportunity to make their money back, plus some?’ And so the fan micro sponsorship with an affiliate distribution model was born. But it had to be more; there needed to be a reason beyond the prospect of getting paid for us to sponsor our favorite web content; these fan sponsorships needed to produce a real event, so the Adeyoh Expo was born. An event where the most sponsored content each month, from each interest community, wins that content producer a spot in the limelight at an event surrounding the winners from the Musician, Artist, Comedian, and Activists’ communities. Cool, right?

I’d love to hear your thoughts, and see your content floating around Adeyoh!

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